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We can't say this very loudly, but there is a very good chance our co-worker's seven-year-old son is a Labrador Retriever: he fetches things, licks people when he's happy, and rolls around in stinky stuff. And, she gets really mad when we say this, but he is really good at catching Frisbees. Dogs are like our kids, right? If your baby has rolled around in stinky stuff, or needs a haircut, here's a deal that will make tails wag all over town: a half-price girft certificate from Sassy Wags Pet Salon in Harrison and Today's Deal. You will get a $20 gift certificate (for just $10!) that is good towards any treatment.
But, you'd better hit that buy button before these deals break free of the leash and run away forever -- half-price grooming from Sassy Wags Pet Salon in Harrison with Today's Deal!